Пловдив - Рилски Манастир: Самостоятелен такси трансфер

Бърз, евтин и самостоятелен такси трансфер Пловдив - Рилски Манастир

Предстои Ви пътуване до България, но нямате собствен автомобил, с който да се придвижвате?

То тогава Ви трябва такси!
Ако дълго време не сте се прибирали в родината и планувате кратък престой, Ви е нужен трансфер от летището до родния Ви град.
Ние можем да Ви осигурим различни превози, за различни дестинации. Например, ако Ви предстои пътуване от град / летище Пловдив до Рилски манастир и връщане след това, когато трябва да се върнете в чужбина, от град / летище Пловдив до до Рилски манастир, то можете да разчитате на нашите услуги.

Предлагаме трансфер с такси от Пловдив до всяка точка на страната и чужбина.

Имайте предвид, че едно евентуално пътуване от град / летище Пловдив до Рилски Манастир, например, би отнело около 2.56 ч. 
Рилски Манастир се намира в югозападна България, на разстояние от около 256 км от град Пловдив и близо 276 км от летище Пловдив. Трансферът отнема известно време, което трябва да си предвидите предварително.
Ако не сте сам и ще доведете роднини, приятели, колеги, за да им покажете красотата на родината, не му мислете – можем да Ви транспортираме, независимо колко много хора сте. Ако Ви трябва повече от едно такси, то сме готови да осигурим няколко трансфера, с няколко коли. Това е наша грижа!
За чужденците, които идват в България за първи път, предлагаме предварително уговорен транспорт – с точен ден и час на пътуването, трансфер от хотела.
Шофьорът ще може да проведе комуникация на английски език, освен че ще е опитен и квалифициран водач.
Разбира се, ако е нужен друг превоз, освен трансфер от летището до хотел, например – до центъра на града, до офис сграда и др., можете да разчитате на нашите професионални услуги.

Бърз, евтин и самостоятелен такси трансфер Пловдив - Рилски манастир.

  • Distance: 276.00 km
  • Duration: 3.08 h
  • Price: from 349.00 BGN (180 EUR)
Пловдив - Рилски Манастир: Самостоятелен такси трансфер

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Кратка информация:

Какво включват нашите услуги?

- такси трансфер от град / летище  Пловдив до Рилски манастир
- такси трансфер от Рилски манастир до град / летище Пловдив

Цената включва:

  • еднопосочен трансфер
  • наем на автомобил с професионален шофьор, разходи за гориво за автомобила и нужните пътни такси в България;
  • превоз на пътници – до 4-ма;
  • фиксирана такса.

    Цена за миниван, микробус или автобус- при запитване

Rila Monastery: The Spiritual Heart of Bulgaria and a World Cultural Heritage Treasure

The Rila Monastery is one of the most significant and iconic sites in Bulgaria. Situated in the Rila Mountains, this monastery is the largest in the country and is included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage list. Founded in the 10th century by Saint John of Rila, the Rila Monastery is not only a religious but also a cultural center that attracts thousands of visitors every year. It combines unique architecture, spirituality, and natural beauty, making it a must-visit destination for anyone visiting Bulgaria.

Sights in the Rila Monastery

  1. The Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary: The main church of the monastery is one of the most remarkable examples of Bulgarian Orthodox architecture. Inside, you will find beautiful frescoes, icons, and an altar that have been preserved for centuries.

  2. The Hrelyo Tower: Built in the 14th century, this tower is one of the oldest and best-preserved structures in the monastery. It served as both a defensive structure and a refuge for the monks during attacks.

  3. The Rila Monastery Museum: The museum presents a rich collection of religious artifacts, manuscripts, icons, and ancient books. One of the most valuable exhibits is the Raphael’s Cross – a masterpiece of woodcarving created by the monk Raphael.

  4. The Tomb of Saint John of Rila: The monastery is also home to the tomb of Saint John of Rila – the founder of the monastery and the patron saint of Bulgaria. This site is revered by pilgrims and tourists seeking a spiritual experience.

  5. The Monastery Library: With over 15,000 manuscripts, books, and documents, the Rila Monastery's library is an invaluable source of Bulgarian cultural and spiritual heritage.

Hotels and Accommodation in the Area

  1. Tsarska Bistritsa Hotel: Located a few kilometers from the monastery, this hotel offers comfortable rooms and a restaurant serving traditional Bulgarian cuisine. It is ideal for those who wish to stay close to the monastery.

  2. Guest House "By the Monastery": This guest house is located near the monastery and offers cozy rooms and an authentic Bulgarian atmosphere. It is suitable for families and tourists seeking a peaceful place to stay.

  3. Rila Hotel: A cozy hotel located in the town of Rila, about 20 km from the monastery. The hotel offers comfortable rooms and a restaurant serving local specialties.

Restaurants and Taverns

  1. Manastirska Izba Tavern: Located near the monastery, this tavern offers traditional Bulgarian cuisine and homemade wine. The tavern is known for its local specialties such as kebabs and Shopska salad.

  2. Gorski Kut Restaurant: Situated on the road to the monastery, this restaurant offers a variety of dishes, including fresh fish and barbecue. It is a suitable place for lunch or dinner in a pleasant natural setting.

  3. Rilski Ezera Restaurant: Located near mountain trails, this restaurant offers delicious Bulgarian cuisine and is an excellent choice for tourists who want to enjoy a meal after a hike in the mountains.

Places for Recreation and Relaxation

  1. Walk through the Rila Nature Park: Rila Nature Park offers numerous hiking trails that pass through beautiful mountain landscapes and lead to scenic viewpoints. The hike to the Seven Rila Lakes is especially popular among tourists.

  2. Mineral Baths in Sapareva Banya: Located about 30 km from the monastery, the mineral baths in Sapareva Banya offer thermal springs and spa services, ideal for relaxation and recovery.

  3. Hike to the Rila Lakes: The Seven Rila Lakes are among the most beautiful natural attractions in Bulgaria. They are located at different altitudes in the Rila Mountains and are a popular destination for tourists who want to enjoy unique natural views.

Tourist Destinations Around the Rila Monastery

  1. The Rila Lakes: As mentioned above, the Seven Rila Lakes are a must-see destination for nature lovers and mountain hikers. They offer incredible views and fresh mountain air.

  2. Sapareva Banya: In addition to its mineral baths, the town is also famous for its geyser, which shoots up to 18 meters high and is one of the tallest in Europe.

  3. The Town of Rila and the Rila Monastery Waterfall: The town of Rila offers interesting cultural attractions, and the waterfall near the monastery is a beautiful spot for a walk and photos.

Why Visit the Rila Monastery?

The Rila Monastery is not only a spiritual center but also a cultural and historical treasure that tells the story of Bulgaria. Located in the heart of the Rila Mountains, the monastery offers a unique combination of religious tranquility, natural beauty, and cultural landmarks.

A visit to the Rila Monastery will give you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the history and spirituality of Bulgaria, enjoy the fresh mountain air, and discover one of the most beautiful places in the country. Whether you are a fan of culture, history, or nature, the Rila Monastery is a place worth visiting and will leave you with unforgettable memories.

Tags: такси, трансфер, летище, Пловдив, Рилски манастир, кола под наем, транспорт, услуга, превоз, летищен трансфер, Пловдив - Рилски манастир такси трансфер